Friday, May 23, 2008

a life dream

You have to have a dream, you have to have something you're living for
No matter what opposition you get
No matter what those negative people say
You have to stick to your dream
Those negative people are all wrong

Or are they?
There is a fine line between stupidity and pursuing a dream
An open heart to God is the dream we must pursue.
To be able to obey whatever God says, whether understood or not, just because we trust Him, is the the door to living out our purpose throughout our earthly lives.

Otherwise God just becomes another negative person who stops you from achieving 'what you were born for.'

Monday, May 19, 2008

who we are

I've just been thinking of the importance of who we are through our actions. Not through what we say. I find myself judging  a preacher by his character before I judge his content. Content is important, but its whether or not the person is believable that would cause me to buy in on their knowledge. 
Believability is only found in action. The little things that we think no one takes care to notice. Some how we carry those things like badges on our clothes, for all to see…The only fool being ourselves, to think that the little bad seeds we sow wont turn into massive trees bearing a multiplication of fruit. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

God doesn't respond to need. 

Only to faith.